When the spring semester started I read my English 202 syllabus and thought classmate blogging was a great idea! The 500 word blog assignments each week sounded easy! How hard could it be? I get to choose my own subject! I had already started to commit daily to looking at my favorite design blogs. Here are a few: Vintage Revivals, The Lettered Cottage, House of Smith’s, Young House Love, The Estate of Things, The Stories of A toZ, Primitive and Proper. Please check some of them out because each and every one has a unique story, clever ideas, beautiful pictures, and really enjoy revealing their posts. It's very interesting to see what people have to say or make in the blog world. For example, did anyone watch last year’s Design Star on HGTV? Emily Henderson has a blog where she actually lists her favorite shops to go too! Only she lives in LA; however if anyone of us ever decided to visit at least we'd know where we could afford to go for high style decor at a low cost price. I thought that was very informative and rare! Nothing annoys me more than secrecy! A classic case of uncertainty is the show on TLC called Extreme Couponing. Every mom saves a penny and a nickel, but they never reveal their sources. They tell you to go buy a lot of newspapers and cut coupons. However, I always see them using the computer printing coupons off, but what websites are they visiting? What stores have the best prices? What stores double coupons? Has anyone else wondered this? I want to pay $9 bucks for $600 bucks worth of groceries too! Anyway as the semester progressed, I found out how much I'd rather not blog, which I found odd being a dedicated blog follower. Random thought: I think we should have been assigned specific topics to write about each week. I feel it would have challenged myself more because I literally found myself aimlessly searching for any random topic online. I never found anything passionate enough to write 500 words about that was worth reading. Maybe, I’m boring? Also, I think it would have been fun to see what other bloggers in the class thought about the “so-called assigned topic” too! If they agreed with me, didn’t, or put a spin on it. I don't think I will continue blogging unless it turns into a family blog where I could post recent pictures of my little family and post updates about who, what, where, and when for those who would actually care enough to visit. For those who enjoyed blogging, keep at it! Thank you online classmates and Professor Chism for a great spring semester!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Most Spontaneous Thing I've Ever Done!
Two months ago, I decided that I wanted to do something else. You know when you get the feeling where nothing is working out for you and if you ever had the change to start over fresh and new, you would take advantage of the offer? I didn't like my job. I hated the commute, which was two hours long everyday to and from work. I hated the long 50+ hours I worked each week. I never went out because all of my friends lived back home in Joplin, Missouri. It was difficult to make new friends because I was working during prime friend-making public hours. I hated the weather! It was either too hot or not hot enough. I didn't like my apartment, it was too far from downtown and most importantly, and I didn't like Austin, TX. Most people would assume that I was just stressed and my vacation was long overdue. However, I knew I wanted to move, but where? I didn't know. My parents wanted me to move back home because it was practical; I could finish school, they could provide for me, and see me everyday. I thought it was very nice of them to offer, but what twenty-two year old wants to live at home? Not one. Besides, I had been working very hard for a very long time; I had a lot of money saved up. I started doing research on where the best places to live in 2010 where to see what information I could find. Many places seemed appealing, especially locations near the beach. I knew that I needed to make a list of what I wanted out of my future destination. First, I knew it was east coast vs. west coast. I realized I didn't want to drive anymore. I loved my car, but gas was expensive, especially with my daily four-hour commute. I wanted to live in a city, not a huge city, but a city with modern amenities, great quality of life, and public transportation. I put an ad out on Craigslist to sell my car. Then, I started narrowing down the list: New York was too big, I didn’t want to live in the South, California was too expensive to live on my own, Colorado was a contender, but I wasn’t sure of the climate. Washington was almost a winner, but it rained too much. Then bam, Oregon popped up. It had everything on my list! I started making all of the arrangements. I moved out of my apartment by giving the property management company a sixty-day notice and losing my deposit. I stayed with my parents for a while and had a yard sale. I sold all my furniture and belongings. What I didn't sell, I gave away to family and friends, who needed it. I kept only the essentials: clothing, shoes, a computer, and luggage. I bought my plane ticket for $175 bucks. I found a cute two bedroom online on Craigslist, sent the deposit, and signed the lease via Internet. It was very nerve-racking for me because I prayed I was getting what I saw in the pictures. I guess if it hadn’t worked out perfectly, it would have been only a year, right? During the huge snowstorm in Missouri, I drove to Tulsa and boarded my plane at six in the morning. The roads were incredibly bad and I remember someone telling me a few people died within that week traveling. I flew into Colorado, which had EVEN more snow on the ground (I was very happy about my decision then!) and caught the next flight to Portland, OR. I had to get a cab to take me to my new apartment because I had six pieces of luggage. I felt bad for the driver because I didn’t think everything would fit into his cab, but I didn’t want to take the train because I barely managed to get my entire luggage from the airport. On the way, I had a small panic attack because I realized how much was changing. When I arrived, I got the keys and went into my new apartment. I immediately was relived because it was exactly what I was expecting. What I didn’t realize in all of my planning was that I didn’t plan for any new furniture to arrive? I had to go that day after a ten-hour flight and buy furniture that could be delivered the very day for me to use. More next week.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Americans and Zimbabweans: Not So Different After All?
The old adage “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” has always had its place in the United States. What many don’t know, however, is that it rings true well beyond America’s borders, all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to the country of Zimbabwe, as well. In fact, despite the growing number of overweight Americans and the malnourished masses of Zimbabwe, these two geographically distant nations are surprisingly close together in terms of their eating habits. Upon closer inspection, one finds that their knowledge of nutrition, eating preferences, and emphasis on convenience in food preparation, all create more common threads than differences.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice that Americans are increasingly becoming more and more unhealthy. One of the key differences between diners from the ‘country of plenty’ and the rest of the world has been our taste for excess. As of 2009, for example, roughly 63.1% of adults in the U.S. were overweight or obese—up from sixty-two percent just a year before. In other words, each year an additional 900,000 people are tipping the scale. Zimbabwe, conversely, is known for its rampant starvation and food shortages. Drought conditions and poor harvests cause 7.2 million Zimbabweans per year to require outside food aid just to survive, meaning forty-five percent of the population is at risk for death due to undernourishment. Life expectancy for men and women alike ranges from the high thirties to mid forties, a far cry from the late seventies and early eighties enjoyed by their American counterparts.
Being so far apart on the spectrum with respect to the amount available for consumption makes many overlook the glaring similarities of these two countries’ eating norms. In both the United States and Zimbabwe, governmental agencies list recommended daily values for staple food groups like fruits, vegetables, and grains. Likewise, the citizens of both countries are taught the values of well-portioned meals, which make appearances in the schools and hospitals in both nations. It’s not a far stretch to believe that if Zimbabweans lived in a society with as much access to food as Americans, that they would eat very similarly. Despite the lack of education in Zimbabwe, knowing which foods are healthy and which are not is common, much like here in the U.S. On top of understanding the nutritional values of foods, both countries maintain pretty similar food and snack preferences. In Zimbabwe, popcorn, peanut butter, macaroni, and cereal are some the most popular snacks. In addition, the preferred meal is one made up of meat with vegetable side dishes and bread—structured with an uncanny similarity to an American dinner. Over the last thirty years, fast food in the United States has taken off. Whether it be at a drive-thru restaurant or a microwave TV dinner, Americans want their fix and they want it now. While the infrastructure of Zimbabwe prevents the average person from driving to their local McDonalds, they maintain a very similar approach to eating—one in which convenience is key. When they lack the resources or money for snacks or multiple eating forays, Zimbabwean families eat but one meal a day. That meal emphasizes quick and easy, albeit in a different way. The meal will typically be a type of corn porridge (called sadza) with meat, vegetables, and grains and fortified with vitamins and minerals. Because porridge is ground up and cooked in a liquid (usually water or milk) it can be heated in a bowl over a fire rather quickly, allowing a hungry family to efficiently meet their dietary needs on a budget and with time constraints. It’s no surprise that for more well-off families, chain fast food restaurants are becoming quite popular in more densely populated areas.
Anyone can focus on how others are different, but when one looks beyond the superficial distinctions, we begin to see that human beings maintain deep-rooted commonalities. So, while Americans are steadily becoming overweight and those in Zimbabwe are faced with limited access to food, people from both societies have cultures that emphasize the same nutritional focal points, food and snack preferences, and value of convenience in cooking and eating. Is the way to a man’s heart through his stomach? The answer to that question may depend on whom you ask, but at least now I know it doesn’t depend on where they live.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Community College Inferiority: A Myth?
Society often constructs artificial differentiations between that which one could consider ‘prestigious’ and anything that falls short of that honor. One of the most profound examples of this dichotomy is in the common conceptions of attending a four-year college versus attending a community (two-year) college. In fact, it is almost considered a universal truth that the quality of education received at a two-year college is inferior to the standards of a four-year university.
Many high school students begin their quest to apply for college in a meeting with their counselor their junior year. Students are given an opportunity to sign up to meet with representatives from a variety of colleges. It is hoped that a combination of external influences and internal support will help a student to generate some semblance of an idea about which direction they ought to move toward claiming their future. What many people don’t realize is that most of the campus visitors are from four-year universities. While junior colleges do have campus information sessions, for the most part they aren’t as necessary. Many students would prefer to attend a more prestigious university, but academic criteria and finances often force their hand to stay closer to home or choose more economically. Interestingly enough, beliefs about the differences between universities and junior colleges appear to be fostered initially before a student even enters the college setting.
In addition to the college evaluation process students undergo, another clear illustration of the separation between two and four-year colleges is the practical distinction between the two. Most students attending two-year colleges utilize statements like, “I’m just going there to get my basics out of the way.” or “I’m going there for two years, then I’m going to transfer to XXX University.” Two-year colleges are seen as a stepping-stone between high school and serious colleges. For many students, they’re like training wheels to help prepare for a more competitive college experience. The whole tone of a junior college tells you everything you need to know about these types of places. Students are very calm and collaborative, professors are lenient, and the entire experience feels like relaxed learning. It’s hard to tell if these mindsets and attitudes are the product of the stereotypes or vice-versa, but one thing is for sure: all involved recognize a difference in the atmosphere and continue to perpetuate it through their actions.
On top of the ‘means to an end’ paradigm of two-year colleges and the high school perceptions created by those helping a student decide where to go, there are a variety of other modern trends that have shaped the belief that they are less prestigious. Graduation announcements and assemblies rarely recognize students earning scholarships to local or community colleges. Part of the ‘college experience’ is moving away from home, not remaining in the same community. Community colleges cater to many non-traditional students, forcing students right out of high school to question the validity of their academic journey compared to those of their peers. Perhaps the most telling trend is that community colleges are constantly striving to grow, to offer four-year degree programs, to expand their campus, to increase their enrollment, and let’s not forget to increase the cost of their tuition.
So who’s to blame for the stereotype? We all know on a pragmatic level that taking English 101 in a junior college setting probably isn’t all that different from taking it at the University level. The same core concepts exist in both environments, the same written rules apply. With that said, everyone behaves as though the two are night and day. These beliefs are not linked to a single action or statement. They come from the initial exposure to colleges that high school students receive, the attitude that two-year colleges are a rung on the ladder to reach a four-year college at the top, and finally, the trends fostered by students, community members, and even the colleges themselves. In the end, though prestige is probably less important than practicality. Resisting how others define your experiences is the only way to experience things for yourself. I've been through my fair share of experiences, and know that the truths we take for granted can just as easily be uprooted tomorrow.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Modern Transportation @ It's Finest!
Have you ever been on the MAX? Over Spring Break, I went to Portland, OR. Portland was just voted the #1 transportation system in the United States. (Yes, it's even better than NYC.) Shocker, right? It's a light rail system, a lot like the subway. I've never been on the subway in NYC so I can't compare the two together. Maybe, someday. Anyways, it's really neat compared to the "non-public" transportation system we have in Missouri. LOL. It consist of four rails: green, blue, yellow, and red. You can get anywhere in the city by using them. The colors represent the different directions the rail goes. Sometimes, you can even arrive faster than you would driving a car, depending on the time of day. Portland has a website called trimet, which allows you to plug in your starting address and your final address to see how long your trip will take, when to get off, and when the next MAX comes, etc. It's a lot like Google Maps, but more accurate. In 2009, Portland was ranked #1 in Safety by Travel & Leisure. After riding all week, I agree. It's clean, newer, and it was always either early or right on time! Best of all, there is a free fare zone on the MAX. Did I say free? Yes! It's free all day and everyday. It's the best locations too! You can visit the the Pearl District, Lloyd Center Mall, lots of breweries, parks, etc. When traveling outside the free fare zone, it costs $2.35 for a ticket. You can purchase the tickets at the bus stop using your credit card or you can buy one at specific locations using cash or credit. The fine for not purchasing one is $175. Yikes! A lot of people "forget" to buy one because it's not enforced as much as it should be! I never traveled outside the free zone, but I heard stories over the break. I'm going to upload a video of what it looks like so you can envision what I'm describing! Where did you go over Spring Break?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
It is a religious international holiday celebrated on March 17th of every year. It is called St. Patrick's day because Saint Patrick is known as the patron saint of Ireland. Most information about St. Patrick has been twisted, embellished, or simply made up over centuries by storytellers, causing much ambiguity about the real life of St. Patrick. However, there are a some elements of his story about which most scholars accept to be true. The Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for over a thousand years. The day is marked with special liturgical programs and a breaking of Lenten fasts. It is a tradition to wear green or shamrocks on this day or be pinched. However, history says the color of favor use to be blue! The shamrock's association with St. Patrick's Day comes from the popular myth that says St. Patrick used the three leaves of the plant to explain Catholicism's holy trinity to the Irish. He used it in his sermons to represent how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate elements of the same entity. His followers adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on his feast day. Green is associated with St. Patrick's Day because it is the color of spring, Ireland, and the shamrock. Today, people of all backgrounds in the United States, Canada, and Australia celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Although North America is home to the largest productions, St. Patrick's Day has been celebrated in other locations far from Ireland, including Japan, Singapore, and Russia. Ireland has promoted this holiday to the fullest and over a million people come to Dublin to participate in the parade every year! It is believe he died in the 5th century on March 17, which is the day St. Patrick's Day is commemorated each year. Over a hundred cities in the United States have a parade celebration! As the saying goes, on this day "everybody is Irish!"
Friday, March 11, 2011
Future Career(s)?
How do you pick a major? It's such a daunting task. It's the rest of your life! Right? I'm so lost. I've changed it a couple of times and when I think I've got it... Something or someone always interferes! I thought about teaching, but I've already completed a lot of business courses so that would be a total 360. I don't want to start over, but I don't want to do what I'm doing now.. I learned recently as long as you take the required courses for GTAP, you can complete your teaching certificate in a year and be 10 hours away from having a master's degree. Way cool, correct? However, there is a shortage of jobs here for teachers. Not cool. So I could spend two years working my tail off and have no job when I get out, even with a master's degree. It doesn't sound appealing. I'm back to square one. I'm going to finish up with my generic business management degree and be stuck in retail management forever.. Unless, I figure out what inspires me in life. Yes, I love design blogs, but that's just a hobby. I love business, but I do not want to open my own business in future. I've considered nursing, but I'd be 26 before I finished and that's just not happening. Please comment if you have ever felt this way or have ever had trouble picking a major and what you did to choose the right career path. I would very much appreciate it!
Friday, March 4, 2011
LOVE you some Vintage Revivals!
Mandi's blog is awesome! She has some great "before and afters" and "designityourselfs". If you are looking for more blogs to follow? She has tons. Today is Friday. The perfect day to visit her blog because she has an event called, "Look what I found Friday." Everybody else links up what they found too! It could be a desk, vintage coffee pot, chair, or whatever. Then, they posted what they wanna do to the item. Do it. And the it's spectacular. Photos included. BTYL.
Kim Kardashian's New Song! “Jam (Turn It Up)”
It amazes me that I can't even pick a major, but celebrities can transition into different industries quickly and make a lot of money. Like Kim Kardashian? Here is here new song.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Olivia's Barbie Dream House!
Some of her My Little Ponies..
All of her Littlest Pet Shop Pets..
The working elevator. A full-sized Barbie can fit in it.
"It's not rocket science, Lindsey! It's not rocket science!"
I love good deals! Doesn't everyone? I found this place online that sells dollhouses for reasonable prices! I had always wanted one as a child, but my mom never bought me one. I'm not sure why she never did, perhaps because she didn't want too, didn't think it was important enough, or never had the money. I have a big family and my two sets of parents never went to college. When I was little, I was very imaginative. I had to be resourceful with my toys. I spent hours "building" my dollhouses out of books, drink coasters, or roaming my house for anything I could make-believe into being "what it could be" in my Barbie's world. It was my sanctuary. I promised myself, when I had a daughter, I would provide for her everything I had always dreamed about.. Anyways, this dollhouse was $41.65 to be exact. I could have probably afforded more, but it was the point of it all. (That my parents hadn't made it important enough and I was going too..) The website said it was already assembled. I was in heaven! It was a win-win. My hubby didn't have to put it together and the price was perfect! Until, I actually called to order it... And found out other moms had discovered the amazing deal too! They had some dollhouses left, but they were unassembled. Quickly, I decided to still purchase one because the lady had said it was pretty easy and it would only take about an hour to assemble. My hubby wasn't that thrilled about it, but I had thought "How hard could it be, right?" A couple days later, it arrived. Yay! Finally, the dollhouse I had waited so long for.. 22 years to be exact. I opened the box and searched for the directions. When I started reading, my eyes got overwhelmed. I had to remind myself that it wasn't rocket science. Boy, was it hard! There were four levels, an attic, and a working elevator. I tried to enlist my hubby's help because he is usually the "put-together-er." However, he refused, said he would do it, didn't, and then when attempting, complained, and complained. He kept saying "We will just throw it away, This is garbage, or Why don't we just buy another better one on ebay?" I got upset, of course. This was my Barbie dream house. The one I longed for, for so long. He didn't know how important it was to me! He kept asking me why I was so gung-ho about putting it together? It took me about a week. Not because I'm idiot, but because I got frustrated with the directions. It wasn't labeled properly and screws were missing. My daughter, who is four, wasn't all that excited about the dollhouse. Sure, it was a new toy, but it sat in her room for a week partially put-together. I kept "taking breaks" because I didn't want to lose my mind. How excited could she be? Near the end, I had accidentally used the floor for the third level in the second level, but aesthetically it looked good. When I finally finished, it was perfect in my eyes. I had accomplished something amazing. I had completed a promise to myself and to my daughter from all those years ago. And that felt good..
Friday, February 18, 2011
Grammys 2011
Did you guys watch the Grammys? I did. The most memorable moments of the night? Lady GaGa, Eminem, Dr.Dre, & Skylar Grey, and oh how badly did Rihanna sing? Raise your hand if you thought Lady GaGa was going to show up in some weird outfit like always? Me too! NO, she showed up in an egg. No joke! She was debuting her new song "Born This Way" and wanted to "return to the womb" to give her little monsters (a.k.a her fans) the best performance ever! Currently, there is a debate that her new song sounds a lot like Madonna's "Express Yourself".. What do you think? I agree. Uhoh. Also, GaGa beat out Justin Bieber for Best Pop Vocal Album. Thank goodness! I don't have Bieber Fever! He is the new Miley Cyrus, in my opinion. I loved Eminem's new "I Need a Doctor" song! However, I wished everyone could have seen Skylar Grey's face! The stage was SO dark. A pity! How could I forget? Katy Perry showed off her amazing wedding photos during her performance! I wish I could get married in India! Lucky girl. BTYL.
IHEARTBritneySpears! Bet you wont hold it against me?
Hooray for Britney Spears! Her Hold it Against Me video came out this week! Have you watched it yet?
Hold It Against Me
Hold It Against Me
Friday, February 11, 2011
Have you seen the Facebook Masthead?
Did you see Social Network? You know the facebook movie? Remember when they were talking about the facebook masthead? I've had an account for forever and never knew it existed. I'm pretty sure no one else did either! I found it on google and it's pretty freaking cool! It lists all these statistics about the users on FB. You should check it out, especially since I know you have an account! Also, there are the founder's bio, which are neat to compare to the movie and actors to see how well they did. Have fun! BTYL.
Did you love Design*Sponge? I bet you love SWITCHEROOm MORE!
My 2nd favorite blog is called SWITCHEROOm, it was created by a web designer named Elle and her motto slogan is "from boohoo to woohoo." Very Cute! She also designs headers for ONLY $9.00! (If you couldn't get the hang of it from the video below.) Do you love to plan? FREE calendar alert! Need one, want one, have to have one, but don't want to spend the money? Click on this iheartcalendars and download the cutest one EVER! One of the things, I love about this blog is Elle really gets creative with her ideas, especially money-wise. She believes in recycling anything and everything for design. It's kind of like that saying "someone's trash is someone else's treasure." She doesn't have a big budget to spend like some of the shows or designers you see. For example, she DIH(did it herself) all the way with a new light chandelier! How cool is that? She spent $7.00. Do you have any crafty projects that you have outdone yourself on too? Post them for everyone to see, pretty please!? BTYL.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Design Video: Create Your Very Own Blog Header!
Notice on Design Sponge how they have a really cool header? Wanna make one for your own blog? Do it. Be fancy, huh? Watch this video. I'm presently working on mine. It will be up soon. Btyl8r.
I HEART Decorating! Do you?
Hi guys, I have fallen a little behind in the blogging world. Uhoh. Not good. I guess it was because I thought blogs were really about uploading as many BEAUTIFUL pictures as a fancy blogger could do. I am a decorating junkie, FYI! I follow so many design blogs that I found it hard to compete with the fancy layouts, photos, topics, advertising, oh, and the creativity. My oh my, how can I possibly do that? Also, I couldn't decide on any fun topics, until I found myself doing my daily cruising that I absolutely love, love, love to do on a regular basis. I thought it would be interesting to "debut" one each week for you all, in order of my favorites, of course! Maybe, you will love them too! The first one being, Design Sponge. One thing, you might notice is the ladies blog about many, many things BESIDES DECORATING, which I have a love-hate relationship with! Sometimes, I just want them to "gimme more, gimme more" of their before&afters. Although, I just recently clicked on the about page and saw all seventeen of the ladies biographies. Did I say seventeen? Yes, I did. Each one lives in a different part of the United States and contributes individually to the blog. How cool is that? Another cool fact? If you have a finished before&after idea or recently did a remodel of a room or space, take pictures and email them! You can be featured on their blog! It is a VERY big deal, ladies and gentlemen. Design Sponge is one of the top blogs in the world. Google it or you can use my reference, from pad style. Btyl8r.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Welcome to Spring English 102
Helloo fellow English classmates! My name is Lindsey Butler and I will be joining you on this blogging adventure this semester. First off, I'm a junior and am majoring in Business Administration. I am a entrepreneur at heart! I love business and tackling huge projects! Currently, I am a store manager of a small retail store. I love my job, but I'm ready to dive into something else soon. Of course! I am excited for an unconventional class as we have no boring textbook to read out of! Yay! Right?
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