Friday, March 11, 2011

Future Career(s)?

How do you pick a major? It's such a daunting task. It's the rest of your life! Right? I'm so lost. I've changed it a couple of times and when I think I've got it... Something or someone always interferes! I thought about teaching, but I've already completed a lot of business courses so that would be a total 360. I don't want to start over, but I don't want to do what I'm doing now.. I learned recently as long as you take the required courses for GTAP, you can complete your teaching certificate in a year and be 10 hours away from having a master's degree. Way cool, correct? However, there is a shortage of jobs here for teachers. Not cool. So I could spend two years working my tail off and have no job when I get out, even with a master's degree. It doesn't sound appealing. I'm back to square one. I'm going to finish up with my generic business management degree and be stuck in retail management forever.. Unless, I figure out what inspires me in life. Yes, I love design blogs, but that's just a hobby. I love business, but I do not want to open my own business in future. I've considered nursing, but I'd be 26 before I finished and that's just not happening. Please comment if you have ever felt this way or have ever had trouble picking a major and what you did to choose the right career path. I would very much appreciate it!

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